Kurdistan Region delegation to visit Baghdad today

A Kurdistan Region delegation will visit Baghdad today, January 24, for talks about the Kurdistan Region’s share of the federal budget, a representative of the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) in Baghdad Fars Esa said on Saturday, January 23.

Esa stated that KRG Minister of Finance Awat Janab will lead the delegation and meet with members of the Council of Representatives’ Finance Committee.

Regarding the visit of a separate political delegation from the Region to Baghdad, he said that the timing of that visit has not yet been established, NRT reported.

Finance Committee member Kamal Kochar told Iraq’s state-run al-Sabah newspaper that it is possible that the budget bill will be put to a vote at the end of this week or early next week.

On January 9, the Council of Representatives began consideration of the legislation, with a second reading held over the next several days.

In the draft, the Region will receive a 12.76 percent in return for Erbil transferring 250,000 barrels of crude oil per day and a percentage of customs revenue to Baghdad.

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